Blue-Winged Teal (Anas discors)

Group Swans, Geese, and Ducks
Code ABNJB10130
Order Anseriformes
Family Anatidae
Author Linnaeus, 1766
Rank G5 (definitions)
Occurrence SM (definitions)
Scale C (definitions)

County List:

Western UP all
Eastern UP all
Northern LP Isabella, Iosco, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Lake, Gladwin, Kalkaska, Charlevoix, Antrim, Arenac, Bay, Benzie, Cheboygan, Clare, Crawford, Emmet, Roscommon, Oscoda, Wexford, Alcona, Alpena, Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Missaukee, Montmorency, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Midland
Southern LP all


Forested or Nonforested Landscapes

Nesting and Foraging/Brood Rearing Habitats are Adjacent during the early breeding season

Nesting Habitat:
      (Grass or Field/Pasture or Sedge Meadow)
   adjacent to:
      (Pond or Sewage Lagoons & Farm Ponds)

Foraging/Brood Rearing Habitat
   adjacent to:
      Any Emergent Vegetation
view decision rule term definitions

Habitat List:

Habitats Regen Sap Pole Sm Saw Lg Saw Uneven
Aspen nonononono-
Paper Birch nonononono-
Oak nononononono
Assorted Hardwoods nononononono
Northern Hardwoods nononononono
Spruce/Fir nononononono
Hemlock nononononono
Jack Pine nononononono
Red Pine nononononono
White Pine nononononono
Conifer Plantations nonononono-
Mixed Upland Hardwoods nononononono
Mixed Northern Hardwoods nononononono
Mixed Upland Conifer nononononono
Mixed Pine nononononono
Swamp Hardwoods nononononono
Balsam Poplar & Swamp Aspen & Swamp Birch nononononono
Bottomland Hardwoods nononononono
Tamarack nononononono
Northern White Cedar nononononono
Black Spruce nononononono
Mixed Lowland Hardwoods nononononono
Mixed Lowland Conifer nononononono
Non-ForestedGrass, Fields/Pastures, Pond, Sewage Lagoons & Farm Ponds, Marsh 1, Marsh 2 (MARSH), Sedge Meadow
Special FeaturesRiparian

view size class definitions


Prince, H. H. 1991. Blue-winged Teal. Pages 132-133 In: R. Brewer, G. A. McPeek, and R. J. Adams, Jr. (eds.) The atlas of breeding birds of Michigan. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing. 594 pp.

Habitat: Semi-permanent wetlands, stock ponds, and seasonal wetlands surrounded by grassland provide optimal breeding habitats. Although bluegrass is the preferred nest cover, hayfields and sedge meadows within 100m of the water's edge are also commonly used for nesting. Blue-winged Teal broods use semi-permanent wetlands with a 50% open water to vegetation ratio. A good supply of aquatic insects and other invertebrates must be present to meet the high protein requirements of the ducklings.

DeGraaf, R. M. and D. D. Rudis. 1986. New England wildlife: habitat, natural history, and distribution. GTR NE-108. Broomall, PA:USDA, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 491 pp.

Habitat: Breeding: Fresh water coastal marshes, fresh water meadows, rivers, ponds and lakes. Prefers shorelines to open water and prefers calm water or sluggish currents to fast water. In New York, birds favor large freshwater marshes and ponds with emergent vegetation.

Kaufman, K. 1996. Lives of North American Birds. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. 675 pp.

Habitat: Fresh ponds, marshes. In summer on shallow freshwater marshes and ponds in open country, also brackish marshes near coast. In migration and winter on any kind of shallow waters, inland or coastal.

Diet: Mainly seeds. Diet is mostly plant material, especially seeds of various grasses, sedges, pondweeds, smartweeds, and others. Snails, bivalves, insects, crustaceans, and other animal matter may be important in the diet at some seasons.

Nest: Site is on the ground in prairie, hayfield, coastal meadow, sometimes several hundred yards from nearest water. Nest is a shallow depression with some grass or weeds added, lined with down; usually well concealed by surrounding vegetation.